How Getting Your Clients Featured in the Best Media Publications can Help You Build Your Digital Agency?

If we look at the primary aim of a PR agency, it is to build a high reputation for its clients. This leads to a series of benefits for a business by improving sales, brand awareness, brand image, and so on. And that’s the main reason a business pays a PR agency for.

Now, there are many ways to build a reputation for your client. As a digital agency owner, you probably understand that getting featured on the leading media publications is the quickest way to build a reputation. There are other strategies, too, but this one works the best.

Understand How Guaranteed Media Placement Work 

Media publications like Forbes have a readership of over 150 million people across all platforms. So if you can get your client featured on Forbes or Maxim, your purpose of building a reputation for your client will get served in one shot. And many business owners won’t even mind paying $10000* to get an article featured on Forbes if it serves the right purpose.

Thus, if you can do it consistently with a 100% success rate, you can easily build your name as the best-guaranteed media placements agency in the industry. Thus, you can easily scale your digital agency.

Note*: PR agencies usually charge $1000-10000 to provide the guaranteed media placements. The pricing depends on the niche, media publication, brand image, etc. Some brands can even secure free media placements in the top media publications.    

This explained how getting your client featured on Forbes, or Maxim can help. Now, let’s look at how to do it.

How to Get Your Clients Guaranteed Featured on the Best Media Publications?  

As you understand the nuisances of the industry, you are probably aware of the fact that journalists and writers who write on Forbes receive thousands of emails every day from businesses, entrepreneurs, and digital agencies to get them featured. Unfortunately, most emails end up in the trash. You need an impeccable strategy to get featured on the top media publications.

There are primarily two ways to do it:  

  • Hire an in-house team
  • Partner with a white label digital PR agency

Hire an in-house team 

You can hire an in-house team of digital PR professionals who can help you find the top journalists and their contact information, write emails that will get noticed, and manage the communication to ensure the best possible coverage. To get the attention of the journalists who cover the top stories, you need to provide something that can grab their attention. Emails are the traditional channel for requests. So you need to create an email that can grab the attention of journalists.

Partner with a white label digital PR agency

An expert white label digital PR agency can help you get featured in top media publications.  The major benefit of partnering with a white label digital PR agency is having your own brand name associated with the services. In addition, your clients will not know that you have hired third-party resources to get featured.

Many agencies can provide you with guaranteed mediaplacement services. Facilius Inc. is one of the leading white label digital PR agencies that can help you with guaranteed sponsored content placement in top magazines like Forbes, Maxim, and Entrepreneur. 

Is it a good idea to partner with a white label digital PR agency?

The demand for high-quality digital PR services is on the rise. However, numbers play a big role in the vast digital PR industry. This is because they can attract new clients, and it sometimes gets difficult for a digital agency to ace in all aspects. Thus, partner with an expert white label digital PR agency to scale your digital agency.


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